Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Review: Green Peeling Oil Set

I am already annoyed on how my mama always say "parang uling ang kili kili mo ah..."

I still remember how it became discolored. One fine day my mama told me that calamansi is good for the underarms because it helps in preventing body odor. The good girl (which is me) followed her tip without knowledge of the whole process (yeah I know I'm such a dummy) I mistakenly left the calamansi on my skin longer than the recommended time which resulted into an acid burn. Nothing severe though, but it left my dreaded underarm dark.

This how my search for the effective underarm whitening solution started. I was introduced to green peeling oil because of the sudden raves it received in sulit. Ads about the green peeling oil is seen left and right and it got me curious. Back then I was a total newbie in ordering stuffs online so imagine my frustration back then. LOL.

One basic green peeling oil set consists of:
>Aluminum chloride -whitens the skin while preventing sweat at the same time. Serves as your deodorant while in the process of peeling.
>4 in one bleaching cream(also known as kliggman's cream) -cream effective in faster whitening of the skin. Night whitening cream for the underarm.
>Green peeling oil -the peeling agent. Feel is just like J&J's baby oil but scent is chemical-ish.
>Hydrocortisone cream -anti-itch cream. Use to endure itchiness of the skin.
^All of these for only of Php250. It was shipped almost instantly after my purchase, received the next day, no hassle.

I was so excited to find out if the hype was all true. There have been mixed reviews with the green peeling oil as this is actually a peeling agent and when used improperly may have unwanted result. I was being careful and I followed the instructions promptly.

1. Apply the green peeling oil on the underarms, 3x a day for 3 days only. It can be applied at night 3X with 15 mins. interval. Let it dry and NO need to rinse
2. If itchiness or redness occurs, apply hydrocortisone cream
3. After 3 days of peeling GPO, rest the skin and wait until it peels-off. DO NOT RUB
4. When the skin has totally peeled-off, Use aluminum Chloride in the morning, and apply bleaching cream at night.

  • Use your fingers when applying the oil. Peeling starts 2-4 days after the last application of green peeling oil. Peeling lasts 3-7 days. --My underarm peeled on the 5th day. 
  • To prevent the redness or itchiness, Apply hydrocortisone cream on the 2nd day after applying the green peeling oil. --I didn't feel any itchiness all throughout the process so I did not used my hydrocortisone cream.
  • Do not use deodorant and avoid washing the underarms with soap during the peeling session. The green peeling will serve as your deo during peeling, it prevents sweating of underarms. --Arrrgh...I actually hate the fact that they instructed us not to wash with soap! In the forums they are even saying that its not allowed to wet the treated area. But still~ I have to follow. Bye bye for now hygiene...
  • Waxing and shaving can be done with outmost care. --I recommend that you shave or wax the 1-2 days before. Better be safe than sorry, right?
  • Place bleaching cream inside refrigerator --We don't have a refrigerator at that time so this is optional.
    - Peeling interval should be 3months before peeling the under arm --Yeap. follow this. You don't want a burnt skin, do you? 
(^Instructions above is from sulit)

I believe there were sellers online who sell different type of underarm whitening kits. I have seen one with an included bleaching soap in the set but of course it'll cost you more.

As what I have told you, my skin peeled after 5 days. That 5 whole days of no soap! Eeeewww~
But beauty needs sacrifice so I need to endure it. Skin was macro peeling for days. I cant remember for how long. But skin was renewed and my real skin has returned to what it was before...Goodbye burnt skin, hello baby skin! ~WOW!

The green peeling oil process was a gold find. I love it that the process was quick considering that I tried other whitening products before. Hope I had this earlier but I doubt that I would have this much courage to try a not-so-popular brand, BCP. More about this on my future posts.

Where to buy?
Online shops. There is a branch of BCP somewhere but I am not aware of their location. I heard BCP is sort of a generic brand for a Diana Stalder.

How much?
Php250 but it depends on the seller as well and what is included in the set.

  • Fast effect on skin, peeling and whitening
  • Easy to use with the instructions.
  • Whitens right away when used and only good maintenance deodorant is needed.

  • Can't use soap until the skin peels.
  • Left dark edges because my peel is not equally done on the whole underarm area, but I dont care much.
  • I'm yet to look for a new deodorant, but while on the process I will stick to the aluminum chloride first.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review: ActiveWhite Bleaching Soap Review

Wow Merry Christmas! Long time no update, yeah sorry I have been too focused on my on-the-job training. But it is all worth it, they've already asked me to become part of their company. *throws confetti*

Yay so a few updates, just been having a good time shopping and browsing online (Zalora, Eazyfashion, Sampleroom) since I have no time to stroll at the mall. I have also bought a 2nd hand phone from tipidcp.com (TIP: be extra cautious on how to deal with sellers, better transact with those who already have feedback). I bid goodbye to my old Myphone T23 Duo which has served me for three years. It is still working but I opt to upgrade to Myphone A888 for the sake of viewing better videos. Hooray! Now I enjoy playing with an Android game shared by my special someone: MyBoo, too bad that I can't update it over wifi due to an error. That was me, being all random again. So off to a review for today:

ActiveWhite Bleaching Soap Skin Whitener with Glutathione says: 
A great soap for dark and discolored skin. Target problem spots and combat hyperpigmentation with this special intense whitening soap that combines a bleaching formula with glutathione. Have smooth and fair skin that glows.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, Caustic Soda, Titanium Dioxide, Sodium Silictae, Castor Oil, Cocomide DEA, Scent, Alpha Hyoroxyl Acid, Milk Extract, Phenoxythanol, L-Glutathione, Beta Arbutin, De-Ionized Water

I was checking out the available whitening soaps in Watsons and oh-well my mind was going in circles when I landed on a decision to purchase Active White Bleaching Soap. Did I made a right decision? Read on to find out.

Seriously, you can't get much info from the website of ActiveWhite here. Based from my research they have just changed their packaging, what I have posted above is the latest since it was just manufactured fresh from this month, Dec 2013 and expiration is far on Dec 2015. The old packaging indicates that it contains L-glutathione which is the selling point of the product. There are not much reviews on the web for ActiveWhite, I already bought the product even before I've read details about it.  I was just brave enough to venture out on using a product I was unfamiliar with.

The look:
I find the marbled look of this soap interesting. (Photo above) I don't know if they have this is other sizes but they currently offer three variants. All of them has the same ingredients except for their special content which differs them from each other: Beta carotene (Blue box - ActiveWhite Bleaching Soap), Rosehip (Orange box - ActiveWhite Rosehip Soap), Plain Glutathione (ActiveWhite Pink box - Glutathione Soap).

The scent:
It has a really faint scent which can be next to nothing. It is perfectly okay with me though, I do prefer unscented beauty products.

The experience:

At first I thought ActiveWhite Bleaching Soap is moisturizing because it is bubbly and it doesn't sting during the first 3 days that I have used it. Truth has to be revealed though, it is still a bleaching soap. I just suddenly experienced itchiness while I was in the office. I found my skin to have some bumps due to dryness, yikes! My skin showed the same reaction when I used bleaching lotion from BCP before. I can't help but become worried if I should continue or stop the usage of the product. My skin was next to being okay before I have used this soap and I kinda regret using it. Within 7 days my skin was micropeeling. Of course just like any bleaching product, skin became a bit darker than its normal color and somehow glossy (sign that skin will peel). It is continuously micro peeling but after a week, I felt like my skin has adjusted to the product. I refrain from using lotion though because I don't think it is fine to use two products at a time. I only apply hydrocortisone cream when my skin is itchy, err... sometimes Katinko because I like it as an itch-reliever too.

The price: Php 89/ 135g soap 

What I love:

  • It lathers well
  • Exfoliated my skin

What I don't:
  • Highly drying
  • Bad reaction of my skin to the soap
  • Cannot use lotion, other products etc
  • Melts fast. Two weeks for a 135 g product.

Will I repurchase?
No. I don't want to risk myself on another skin reaction. ActiveWhite Bleaching Soap is not for me, would not try the other variants lol. I might just purchase real moisturizing soaps next time instead. Boohoo for this misfortune. T^T

Did I whiten? It melted even before I can make a valid conclusion, however since my skin is already well-exfoliated then I think whitening products will be more effective.

ActiveWhite  Bleaching Soap is not for me. But what doesn't work on me does not mean won't work on you, and vice versa. Always remember to stop usage if you experienced severe dryness/rashes.